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The best advice I’ve ever received was “Try your best in everything you do, it will never be perfect but the mere action of trying makes it meaningful.” This was was something my dad always told me. At first I didn’t understand what he meant, mostly because I didn’t really care. He would say this repeatedly and it’d pass right through me; in one ear and out the other. But as I got older, it began to make more sense to me. What purpose is there to anything if you don’t try? None. The effort you put into something is what gives your actions meaning. 

As I started to come to this realization, I began to apply it to everything in my life. From school work to chores and everything in between. As a result, there was a shift in my mindset. I gave my actions purpose, the simple action of putting effort into the activities I was involved in made them meaningful. With this new mentality I was able to overcome many of the challenges I never even considered facing. One of which was my mental health issues.

It took a long time but I finally reached out my counselor about the issues I was dealing with; the constant feeling that something was wrong, and this irrational idea that I had to be perfect. After having spoken to her multiple times she recommended I see my doctor and a therapist to diagnose me. Unfortunately this never happened due to constraints within my family. But having reached out to her played a very important role in dealing with my issues, she took the advice my dad had given me and gave me new tools to continue despite these problems. 

For the first time in years I felt refreshed. I was less concerned about everything I did being perfect and more intent on getting things done. I noticed a shift in my work ethic. I was able to get more things done with less stress, making me more productive. I was content -- happy even -- with the amount of work I was doing. Once I had finally gotten on track with my studies I was able to apply this new mindset to my passions.

My junior year I took a big step and decided to compete in UIL for Computer Science. To say the least: I was terrified. I gained a whole new set of anxieties surrounding the competition. In spite of it all, I pushed through, keeping in mind all the progress I had made in the past year. On March 27, 2019 our team won 1st Place for Computer Science at the UIL District AAAA competition. We were ecstatic, all we had been working for had paid off. This truly was the start of something new for me. After winning the competition I wanted to take things a step further. My teammates and I created the Community High School Computer Science Society at the end of that school year. Today, I am the group’s president and continue to push my teammates to do their best in everything they do.

Though I don’t often see my dad anymore, I am so thankful for what he left me. He didn’t leave money or a car or any of his other assets, but he left me a piece of himself. His advice will carry on with me for the rest of my life, and I hope when I see him again he is proud of who I’ve become. I hope he feels pride in having given me the gift that has helped me through my roughest times. 

Essay: About
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